Wedding Photographer PLR Package
Lead-Gen Site and Content Conversion Kit
IMPORTANT: Please watch this video first as it will cover all the details about how to use this product, how to make money from it and everything else you need to know before investing in this world-class PLR package.
Summary of What You Get:
  • MODULE 1: Lead-Gen Site Package
  • MODULE 2: Conversion Videos
  • MODULE 3: Lead Magnet Report
  • MODULE 4: Lead Magnet Checklist
  • MODULE 5: Autoresponder Messages
  • MODULE 6: Blog Post Articles
  • MODULE 7:​Source Files
  • BONUS MODULE: Quick Start Guide
  • TOTAL VALUE: $5,476
Traditional Marketing is Too Expensive...
But There is a Better Way
It's no secret that traditional marketing methods for local businesses has gotten way out of hand and is too expensive for most to use effectively.

That's why smart businesses are using digital marketing to attract their ideal customer in a way that not only works really well but is very cost-effective compared to traditional methods like TV, radio, newspaper and direct outreach.

Some of the benefits of digital marketing include:
  • ​Easy to get in front of your target market
  • ​Can be measured so you always know your ROI and what's working and what's not working
  • ​Much lower cost than other marketing channels
  • ​People start their buying journey online, why not meet them there
  • ​Give you a competitive advantage because most businesses are not using digital marketing the right way
  • ​Plus much more!
And the perfect digital marketing starting point is to use what's called a lead magnet...
Every Local Business Needs a Lead Magnet and Now YOU Can Bring it to Them!
Let's start by defining what a lead magnet is...
A lead magnet is an "ethical bribe" or incentive that smart businesses offer to potential buyers in exchange for their name, email address, and/or other contact information. Lead magnets usually offer a piece of digital and downloadable content, such as a free PDF report, checklist, eBook, video training, etc. The lead magnet offer ultimately promises to solve a problem the prospect is having. Thus giving them reason to enter their information for the free content.
Generating leads online and building an email list is one of the most cost effective marketing strategies a business can do. And using a lead magnet is the best way to do it!

Not only are you creating value with the lead magnet itself you will have the ability to continue to email your prospects and customers on a regular basis building trust, credibility and positioning your business as the go-to expert in your marketplace. Not to mention that once you have their email all of the messages you send after that are free marketing!

Unfortunately, most local businesses have no idea about digital marketing much less how to implement a lead magnet marketing strategy.

Fortunately for consultants this presents a HUGE OPPORTUNITY to help these businesses generate more leads and customers easier, quicker and cheaper than ever before.

And that's why you're going to love all of our Local Lead Magnet Funnels and Content Kits...
How to Save Tons of Time and Money
Years ago I started a marketing consulting business helping local businesses generate leads and customers. You know, the things they want most! I did this by creating what's called lead-gen sites and I used Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising to drive targeted traffic to those sites. The end result was the targeted prospects that came to the site gave their name and email address in exchange for the report or "Hiring Guide" the lead-gen site was giving away for free.

Creating all of the sites, videos, reports was painstaking work not to mention very, very expensive. So I looked for pre-made resources I could use to help reduce the cost and workload. But there was nothing available!

At that moment is when I decided to start creating the needed content and help other marketing consultants who were in a similar situation as I was. And wouldn't you know it, there were thousands of us!!

That's why I started MarketingConsultantPLR. We are the leading provider of Private Label Rights products specifically created for marketing consultants and their local business clients.

Using our PLR products literally saves you hours and hours of time and thousands of dollars. You can get to market with new products and services quicker than ever before and know that the quality is world-class.
My name is Drew Laughlin and I am the founder of MarketingConsultantPLR, MCPLR for short.

We take great pride in creating the absolute best PLR content in our industry. In fact, we have been doing this longer than anyone else - since 2010. And we have the largest catalog of ever growing PLR content specifically for local marketing consultants.

We also provide world-class support that is second-to-none.
Drew Laughlin
Founder of MCPLR
PLR is the 'Secret of Success' for
Thousands of Consultants
Before we continue its important that we define what PLR is...
PLR is defined as "Private Label Rights". Basically what that means is you can put your name on it, claim ownership of it and use it in your own business or resell it to your local client(s) - depending on the scope of the product you're using. The only thing you can't do with our products is resell them to other marketers/consultants. That's what we do.
At first our PLR was created specifically as lead magnets and lead-generation websites. But we found that our customers wanted to use the same content in a variety of ways. Things like:
  • ​Drive traffic to the lead magnet site and charge local businesses per lead or sell/rent the site to that business.
  • ​Use the report / "Hiring Guide" to create a print book for that business to hand out to prospects and customers. These are known as a Credibility Books. There are a lot of business owners that would love to have their name on a print book. And you can help them do that with our content! The benefits of having a print book are endless: instant credibility, authority in the marketplace, expert status, competitive differentiation, etc..
  • ​Repurpose our content for your clients website, YouTube channel, etc.
  • ​Plus much more!
The cool thing about PLR is that you can use our packages however you see fit as long as you follow the guidelines described at the bottom of this page.

Hopefully you're like the thousands of our customers who can see why using PLR can be so important for your business!

Keep reading to see what's included with this PLR package...
What's Included
Lead-Gen Site
NEW WordPress Theme(s), HTML5 and ClickFunnels
Generate leads for your local business clients by using this pre-made lead-gen site! This comes in two simple layouts: LGS Theme (original) and the new LGS OPTIN Theme. 

This lead-gen site is perfect for someone who wants to keep things simple. If you want something more complicated feel free to use any WordPress Theme or website template you wish.

We've created this lead-gen site in three formats: Two WordPress Themes, HTML5 (only Optin Theme layout) and ClickFunnels (both layouts). 

You can use the WordPress Themes just like you would any other theme. The only difference is that this theme is designed as a lead-gen site. Its not really designed to be used as a blog. But they are both super easy to use with our custom Quick Niche install option.

Each template comes with:
 - Optin Page
 - Thank You Page

LGS Theme
This is the original layout that started it all and still works like crazy!
This is a simple optin theme that you can use with video or ebook cover.
This Lead-Gen Site Comes With 4 Install Options:
We know that consultants like to use different website platforms and that's why we've created several different options for you to choose from.
  • ClickFunnels: This is our favorite and so easy to use with ClickFunnel's unique "Share Funnel" option. * Must own ClickFunnels to use. Both layouts are available with the CF option.
  •  HTML5 - NEW DESIGN!: We have created a new design to better match the high converting design we created in ClickFunnels. * Provided to your free of charge.  Optin Theme Design Only.
  •  WordPress ThemeS - INCLUDING THE ORIGINAL AND ONE NEW DESIGN!: This package includes the Brand NEW LGS Optin WordPress Theme! We include tutorial videos to show you how easy and fast this new theme is to use. * Provided to your free of charge. Yes, even the theme itself! It also includes our original theme layout - the one that started it all!
  • Your Own Design: Since you're getting PLR rights to this content you can put it in ANY site platform or design of your choosing giving you maximum flexibility!
Lead-Gen Site Available In:
High-Converting Site:
$1,997 value
World-class website and funnel designers can cost upwards of several thousand dollars. We created a proven LGS site for you as part of this package!
Conversion Videos
Also included are professionally created lead-gen videos:
  • Every version is professionally created
  •  Every version comes with USA and UK voice overs
  •  Several different styles to choose from
  •  Delivered in MP4 format so you can easily use them in ANY video host like YouTube, Vimeo, Amazon AWS, etc.
You can use these videos on your lead-gen site - instead of the ecover image - on your YouTube channel or on your primary website. In fact, you can use these videos wherever you like!
Watch the Playlist to See All the Different Video Options Available
Some videos go with the Full Report while others go with the 2-page Checklist. This makes it easy to give your client options and test to see which one(s) convert the best. Remember, all the different video styles come in BOTH USA and UK voice overs.
Videos Available In:
Powerful, Engaging Videos:
$997 value
It takes years of training and experience to create high quality videos like this. Or you can outsource them for hundreds of dollars just for one!
Lead-Magnet Report
You also get a powerful, professionally written lead-gen report that will range from 5,000 to 7,000 words or more!

This report covers all the details a consumer needs to know so they can gain confidence in their buying choice(s) and make the best decision possible. Our reports typically include the following:
  • All the various things they should know about this local niche business before making a decision to buy/hire
  • ​What to look for
  • ​What questions to ask
  • ​Plus much more!
This report comes with:
  • Full PLR
  • ​Microsoft Word formats for easy customizing
  • ​and the Ebook graphic in editable .PSD
Report Available In:
Professionally Written Report:
$997 value
Writers cost anywhere from $.10 to $.25 per word or more. That would cost you $500 to $1,500 for a report like this. Take into account, research, writing editing, etc why bother when we've done-it-for-you!
Two-Page Checklist
Simple two-page checklists that consumers can get through quickly but still provides great value can often times increase the likelihood of them scheduling a strategy session with your real estate agent client.

This newly designed two-page checklist is a great high-value content piece that your prospects will love.

Take 5-minutes to customize and tweak the document with your information and BOOM you have a great lead-magnet for your client!
Checklist Available In:
Professionally Written Checklist:
$197 value
Convenience and support is what this checklist is all about. Imagine condensing all the good stuff from the report and putting it into a checklist with a little extra to boot. That's what we've done here.
5-Part Autoresponder Series
We're well aware that one of the biggest challenges when using a PLR product is creating your email autoresponder series. We'll we've done it for you!

In fact, we've created 5 messages you can easily customize, tweak and put into your local business client's autoresponder service so they can convert more prospects into paying customers.
Email Messages Available In:
Professionally Written Emails:
$297 value
Powerful and engaging emails are critical to a successful lead-generation campaign. We've don all the heavy lifting for you!
5 Blog Post and Articles
To help with additional content creation we're including 5-articles/blog posts.

These are professionally written and approimately 300+ words each.
Email Messages Available In:
Professionally Written Emails:
$297 value
Getting people to visit your site is one thing. Getting them to stay with engaging blog posts is something different. But don't worry, we got your back!
Source Files
Included are all of the sources files for everything you see on this page.

What that means is you get all the Word documents, graphics and video files so you can use them to best fit your needs.
Source Files Available In:
Edit, Update, Change:
$497 value
Most of our customers use our products just the way they are. But we understand some people want to change and tweak them. We've got you covered.
Quick Start Guide and Onboarding Videos
Please understand that this product is NOT a training course. It is a pre-made PLR product that saves you tons of time and lots of money because everything is already created for you.

This product is designed for the experienced marketer or at least the person who knows what they are doing and understand how lead-gen sites and funnels work.

With all that being said, we have created tools and resources to help you get started quickly and have provided video training on how to use our products.
Available In:
Get Started Fast:
$197 value
Most of our customers are experienced marketing consultants. They know how to use what we give them. But others need a little assistance. This will help you get started quickly.
Everything Comes with PLR So You Can Customize As Needed and Make it Your Own!
PLR is short for Private Label Rights. All that means is that you have the right to change the contents and information as you see fit and then sell it or give it away to your offline marketing clients. However, you DO NOT have the right to sell this product "as-is" to other marketers and marketing consultants.
  • ​[YES] Can Be Edited
  •  [YES] Can Claim Ownership
  •  [YES] Can Be Used For Your Own Webinar
  •  [YES]Can Be Used For Your Own In-Person Presentation
  •  [YES] Can be sold to local business clients only
  •  [YES] Can be given away to local business clients only
  •  [YES] Can be added to membership site ONLY for local businesses NOT other marketers
  •  [NO] Can sell Resale Rights
  •  [NO] Can sell Master Resale Rights
  •  [NO] Can be offered through auction sites
  •  [NO] Can sell Private Label Rights
  •  [NO] Can be sold through sites like Tradebit
"What About the Guarantee?"
Due to the nature of this offer – being hundreds of dollars worth of PLR content – and to protect the integrity of our customers there is NO money back guarantee.

We realize that this may turn some people away. And frankly we understand that this is not a great fit for everyone.

But please understand, as a customer you could make your payment, download everything, use it in your business and then ask for a refund. But you would still have all of our content. That would not be fair to us nor our other customers. Therefore we have chosen to not have a money back guarantee with this offer.

We have sold hundreds of products and we pride ourselves on providing top quality support. We will be there when you need us.
So How Much?
Now we’re at the point where you’re wondering about how much this product will be. Valid question!

Here’s the thing…

If you were to do this yourself or hire someone to do it for you-you're looking at a minimum cost of over $5,000! And believe me, I am quite fair when I say that.

But of course, you won't pay anything close to that.

In fact, for a limited time, we're having a great deal. But you need to grab this now before the price goes up.
For a Limited Time You Can Get This Entire Local Niche PLR Package For Only One-Payment Of...


Not even $197
SECURE Order Form
YES! I Want Instant Access
  • MODULE 1: Lead-Gen Site Package
  • MODULE 2: Conversion Videos
  • MODULE 3: Lead Magnet Report
  • MODULE 4: Lead Magnet Checklist
  • MODULE 5: Autoresponder Messages
  • MODULE 6: Blog Post Articles
  • MODULE 7:​Source Files
  • BONUS MODULE: Quick Start Guide
  • TOTAL VALUE: $5,476
IMPORTANT: I understand that when I order today I will get immediate access to my purchase. Due to the nature of this PLR offer I also know that there are no refunds. After my order is complete I understand that I will receive an email with login details to access the private member's area where everything is delivered inside easy-to-download ZIP files. Lastly, I understand that I will be making one payment today with NO future payments.
  • ​Order online safely and securely.
  •  All orders processed and secured by PayPal through
  •  You’re 100% protected from unauthorized payments with 24/7 monitoring to prevent fraud.
Don't Take Our Word for it. See What Customers Have to Say...
"Drew consistently puts out top notch products that are an integral part of my business. He understands the needs of the small digital agency and makes our job much easier. I have purchased several of his products and upgrades and will continue to purchase his new products. Thanks Drew!"

Joe Sayles, Jr.
"Drew creates high quality PLR products like a well-oiled machine! When he announces another high quality product or training, I do not hesitate to buy. This saves me a lot of time and money creating the products myself. Thanks again Drew!"

Bret Forster
"You create great quality products I am very happy to use in my business. I especially like the videos you produce, both in US & UK. As I'm from the UK, that's important to me and the quality is always at the highest standard and that will always get me to buy. Thank you. Keep up the good work. Always looking forward to see your next product."

Johnny Joseph
"Have been using your solutions for years now and one thing I am certain about when you launch a product is that it will always be relevant, current and high value for my audience. Another great feature is how you create your content, always consistent in design, voice and writing. Keep the wisdom coming, it's appreciated."

Al H.
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