Consultant Funnel PLR Firesale... Vol. 1!
Get Instant Access to 10 Consultant Funnels... For One Super Low Price!!! 
These Have Never Been Released to the Public Until Now... 
Stop Wasting Time and Money Creating Everything Yourself and Start Using These World-Class PLR Packages Today...
Hey there!

Welcome to this very special offer. If you don't know me please read the content below to get a feel of who I am and why I'm known as the guy who makes the absolute best PLR in the offline marketing industry.

Don't know what PLR is? No worries. Keep reading...

Do you struggle to get leads for your business?

Do you hate the grind of creating the content you know you should be creating? I mean we all know that "if you build it, they will come" is a crock, right!

There is actual work to be done in this wonderful world of running a consulting practice.

But it's hard.

Believe me, I know. I've been there and done that more times than I care to remember.

Spending endless hours creating free reports, checklists and all kinds of other stuff and having no idea what will work... if any of it!

Then if it doesn't work, what happens? You're right back at square one. Having to do it all over again.

Ugh. That sucks!

That's why I am so excited to share with you the easiest, best and highest quality way to use a plug-in-play PLR funnel that will help you get more clients without you having to do any of the work!

No kidding. Over 95% of the work is done-for-you.

And it's done at a world-class level.

Let's first define PLR.
PLR stands for Private Label Rights. In short, PLR means that someone like me, the product creator, gives someone like you the "rights" to use the content I create AS YOUR OWN! You can do with it what you will as long as it falls in the guidelines listed towards the bottom of this page. Consultants LOVE PLR because it saves them so much time and money so they don't have to create all the content themselves.
The reason this even exists is because when I started I looked everywhere for a resource that would help me reduce my workload.

I was getting burned out and I needed help fast.

But there was nothing!

Literally, nothing out there that could help me accomplish what I needed to be done. 

So I slaved away. Hating life and my business.

And then I started getting emails from other consultants asking if they could buy the content I was creating.

Around that same time was when I discovered what PLR - Private Label Rights - was and decided to start selling the content I created to other consultants who could use it and benefit from it.

That's when was born.

And since then I have created over 100 PLR products to over 4,000 active marketing consultants.

Isn't that crazy?!

Before you take a look at everything you'll be getting with this PLR package here's a little more about me...
Why You Should Listen to Me
Drew Laughlin, MBA
Why listen to me? In short, because I've been there, done it and still doing it. I am an active local marketing consultant. But I also coach other marketing consultants and help them grow their business. Lastly, I am a product creator. Most of my products are created specifically for local marketing consultants to use in their own business.

Over the past few years I have created over 50 PLR (Private Label Rights) products that several hundred consultants use every day in their business. I survey my consultant customers regularly to understand the challenges they are facing and to know exactly what they need right now that will help them most in their businesses. Then my team and I create products that fit their needs.

I pride myself on providing not only world-class products but also top quality service. You can rest assured that we will be here when you need us.
What This Offer is All About
In short, my team and I have created several complete front-end funnels and marketing kits that will allow you to generate leads from the traffic you send to it.

These funnels use the proven marketing principle of giving your target marketing something of great value in exchange for their name and email address. This way you can continue to build a relationship and ultimately sell them on your marketing services.

The biggest Critical Success Factor is our Thank You page. Instead of just giving them their free report and checklist we have a second step that gives them a way to contact us directly and at that moment instead of waiting.

You'll be shocked how many people will call you once they land on that page.
Who This is For
This is for any and all offline marketing consultants.

We define "offline" consultants as people who help local businesses - usually small businesses - generate more leads and customers.

This is also for those consultants who don't have enough time or resources to create marketing content themselves and understand the value of using PLR in their business to save them time and money.

Is this for newbies?

Yes and no. Newbies can absolutely use our pre-built consultant funnels in their business. But its important to understand that our products are pre-made content packages and NOT training courses. So if you're looking for detailed training on how to fulfill certain marketing services like Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Social Media Management, Video Marketing, etc this is not the place to do that. Again, we provide PLR content kits for all of those services and much more but training is not included.
Why This Offer is So Valuable
If you read the beginning of this page then you probably have a pretty good idea of why this is so important.

This PLR package will save you TONS OF TIME AND MOUNTAINS OF MONEY because you will not have to create any of this content yourself!

Do you realize how huge this is?!?!

It literally costs us over $2,500 and takes over 60-hours to create everything for just one Consultant Funnel! And we're offering you a ton of them!

And you can get it all in one, plug-in-play package that costs less than a medium pizza!

Of course the obvious question becomes, why would I do this?

Two main reasons:
  • First, I love helping other people achieve their goals. And creating PLR products has been one of the best ways I have found to do that.
  • Second, while I love doing this I also make a fair profit during the launch of one of my PLR products. These launches have become an important piece of my overall business.
As you read the rest of the page many of the benefits will become very clear to you and you'll be able to visualize how this will fit in your business.

But allow me to outline a few key benefits:
  •  Reduces your workload by up to 95%! When nearly every single thing is already done for you – except a few tweaks and customization here and there – one of the biggest benefits is the amount of time you save and the decrease in your workload. Imagine how long it would take you to create a product like this yourself. If you’re like most consultants the answer is, “never”. It would never get done because there is too much to do. We’ve eliminated that challenge for you!
  •  You Get Up and Running Fast! By utilizing pre-made templates and tools you can get up and running in a matter of minutes versus weeks and months it would take you otherwise. By using our install options you can get your LGS up and running in just a few minutes. That certainly beats building everything yourself!
  •  Saves Time AND Money! When everything is done for you, you can’t help but save time and money! And considering the fact that it would cost you approximately $1,000.00 to create these MCCP packages on your own, you’re saving a ton of cash! It truly doesn’t get any easier than this.
  •  Convert your Report to a Print Book and Gain Even More Credibility: Imagine handing your prospect a printed book with YOUR NAME on it! How powerful would that be? For whatever reason authors are instantly presumed the expert in whatever they write about. That’s a great thing! You can now benefit from that phenomenon by putting your name on a top-quality book! Print Book = No More Business Cards: Or better yet… The ULTIMATE Business Card. Never again will you have to waste money and time handing out business cards that never result in business. Now simply hand prospects your book!
  •  Generate More Leads and Convert More Leads Into Customers: Perhaps the biggest benefit of all is that you’ll have a marketing asset that will help build your business. Generating leads and converting those leads into customers is the lifeline of any business. Our MCCPs will help you do that easier and faster then ever before.
Without further ado let me show you what you've been waiting for...
Is Training Included?
We support our products 100% and provide various training on OUR products. And remember our products are pre-made content packages and NOT training courses. And if you ever have questions on our products we have an active support site that will answer all your questions.

But if you're looking for detailed training on how to fulfill certain marketing services like Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Social Media Management, Video Marketing, etc this is not the place for that.

Again, we provide PLR content kits for all of those services and many more but training on how to do those services is not included.
What's Included With Each Consultant Funnel
You can get more details by scolling down and reviewing each funnel. We have included a popup image that shows everything you'll get with each one.

And yes, everything you see will be available to you immediately up your purchase!

Here's a quick rundown of what most - not all - Consultant Funnels have. Its important to note that some CF's vary with their contents but for the most part these items are included:
Lead-Gen Site
Complete, pre-made two-step lead-gen sites that are proven to convert visitors to prospects. All LGS sites are created in the following formats:
  • ClickFunnels
  •  WordPress (Our own LGS Theme!)
  •  OptimizePress 2.0
  •  HTML5
Lead Magnet Report
Every funnel/lead-gen site comes with a professionally written 14-30 page (8.5x11) report.

There reports are all written by professional writers who specialize in the industry and do extensive research to ensure all the details are covered.

These reports are written to be "evergreen". Which means the content is not only valid now but it will stand the test of time for years to come.

Lead-Gen Video(s)
Pre-sales video using  to engage the video and get them to optin.
  • USA voice over video (mp4)
  •  UK voice over video (mp4)
  •  Written scripts to every video
  •  MP3 audios for every voice over so you can create your own video
Built-In Lead Capture
Optin area to capture name, email and phone number.

You need to use your own autoresponder service to make the optin form functional. Or you can use the ClickFunnels Actionetics option.
Having a checklist the visitor can review quickly and that has a lot of valuable information that helps them make better decisions is a hugely effective lead magnet!

We provide professionally written checklists to give you maximum flexibility to provide your clients as much value as possible.

Autoresponder Messages
Make your life easier with these 5 pre-written autoresponder messages.

There emails are all written by professional writers who specialize in the industry and do extensive research.

Simply plug these emails into you/your client's autoresponder service, make a couple tweaks and you're good to go!
Blog Posts
Creating content and posting blog articles can be a pain.

That's why we include five (5) pre-written blog posts for you to use.
Professional Graphics
Whatever graphics we used to create the site, you get in PSD (Photoshop) format.

Resource Cheatsheet
Having a list of additional resources to use is critically important to your success.

We do our best to compile them for you to save you time not having to do all the research yourself.
Other Goodies
We also include other goodies with most of our PLR products that you'll be getting with this package.

We take great pride in providing you everything you need to get started fast!
Consultant Funnel Firesale Vol. 1
Website Security Secrets
Recently Google's stated that if your website - or your client's website - does NOT have an SLL Certificate Google will place a "Site Not Secure" warning message on your site listing!!

This will cause people to not trust your site and move on to someone else's site who is secure.

This is an unbelievable opportunity to get your foot in the door with local clients whose sites are not secure and offer to help them get secure!!!

This complete PLR package does all the work for you.

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Consultant Funnel:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

Google Listing Secrets
Google My Business is one of the most important listings/directories a local business needs to be on.

The biggest reason is because of Google Maps. Its critical that businesses take advantage of their free listing and get listed on Google and on Google Maps.

This is a great opportunity to attract local business with this complete PLR package and have it do all the work for you.

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Consultant Funnel:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

Single Property Website Secrets
This PLR package is perfect for attracting Real Estate Agents as clients.

One of the most effective marketing strategies for Real Estate Agents is to use single property websites. And this PLR package covers everything you need to get started fast.

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Consultant Funnel:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

Local Video Agency Secrets
Video marketing is not only super effective marketing strategy it is growing at an incredible rate. You need to have this in your arsenal of service offerings.

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Consultant Funnel:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

Press Release Marketing Secrets
Press Release Marketing is one of the most UNDERRATED marketing strategies available to local small businesses. Start offering this to your clients and they will love you!

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Consultant Funnel:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

List Building Secrets
Building an email list is something EVERY business should do. It makes marketing to new and existing customers so much easier and cost effective.

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Consultant Funnel:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

Follow-Up Funnel Secrets
Being able to write copy, content and emails is a critical success factor for your online marketing efforts. This PLR package has an absolute TON of pre-written content, templates and swipe files you can use immediately to drastically improve your writing.

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Content, Templates & Swipes:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

Marketing Consultant Lead-Gen Pack
This PLR package is perfect to establish yourself as the go-to marketing expert in your area and help drive leads to call you for your services.

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Consultant Funnel:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

LinkedIn Consultant Content Pack
Offering lead-gen services through LinkedIn is a high-ticket service offering most consultants ignore. Its a gold mine for the one's who take advantage of it. Oh and there's hardly any competition either.

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Consultant Funnel:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

Video Spokesperson Consultant Content Pack
Spokesperson videos are a very effective video marketing strategy that too many consultants ignore. There are more and more software programs and gigs you can buy on Fiverr that make this a service opportunity every consultant should take advantage of.

CLICK HERE to see everything included with this package. Opens in a new tab.
Consultant Funnel:
$997+ value
World-class PLR Lead-Generation Package completely pre-made for you!

Everything Comes with PLR So You Can Customize As Needed and Make it Your Own!
PLR is short for Private Label Rights. All that means is that you have the right to change the contents and information as you see fit and then sell it or give it away to your offline marketing clients. However, you DO NOT have the right to sell this product "as-is" to other marketers and marketing consultants.
  •  [YES] Can Be Edited
  •  [YES] Can Claim Ownership
  •  [YES] Can Be Used For Your Own Webinar
  •  [YES]Can Be Used For Your Own In-Person Presentation
  •  [YES] Can be sold to local business clients only
  •  [YES] Can be given away to local business clients only
  •  [YES] Can be added to membership site ONLY for local businesses NOT other marketers
  •  [NO] Can sell Resale Rights
  •  [NO] Can sell Master Resale Rights
  •  [NO] Can be offered through auction sites
  •  [NO] Can sell Private Label Rights
  •  [NO] Can be sold through sites like Tradebit
What About the Guarantee?
IMPORTANT: Please read before purchasing...

Due to the nature of this offer – being hundreds of dollars worth of PLR content – and to protect the integrity of our customers there is NO money back guarantee.

We realize that this may turn some people away. And frankly we understand that this is not a great fit for everyone.

But please understand, as a customer you could make your payment, download everything, use it in your business and then ask for a refund. But you would still have all of our content. That would not be fair to us nor our other customers. Therefore we have chosen to not have a money back guarantee with this offer.

We have sold hundreds of products and we pride ourselves on providing top quality support. We will be there when you need us.
So How Much?
Now we’re at the point where you’re wondering about how much this product will be. Valid question!

Here’s the thing…

If you were to do this yourself or hire someone to do it for you-you're looking at a minimum cost of over $1,000 for each Consultant Funnel. Meaning all of these would cost you over $10,000!!! And believe me, I am quite fair when I say that.

But of course, you won't pay anything close to that.

In fact, for a limited time, we're having a great deal. But you need to grab this now before the price goes up.
For a Limited Time You Can Get
This Entire PLR FIRESALE For Only...


Not even $197
SECURE Order Form
YES! I Want Instant Access
  • MODULE 1: Website Security Secrets
  • MODULE 2: Google Listing Secrets
  • MODULE 3: Single Property Website Secrets
  • MODULE 4: Local Video Agency Secrets
  • MODULE 5: Press Release Marketing Secrets
  • MODULE 6: List Building Secrets
  • MODULE 7: Follow-Up Funnel Secrets
  • MODULE 8: Marketing Consultant Lead-Gen Pack
  • MODULE 9: LinkedIn Consultant Content Pack
  • MODULE 10: Video Spokesperson Consultant Content Pack
  • TOTAL VALUE: $10,000+
I understand that when I order today I will get immediate access to my purchase. Due to the nature of this PLR offer I also know that there are no refunds. After my order is complete I understand that I will receive an email with login details to access the private member's area where everything is delivered inside easy-to-download ZIP files. I also understand that when I become a customer I will be added to the Customer Email List and receive periodic emails from you. Lastly, I understand that I will be making one payment today with NO future payments.
  •  Order online safely and securely.
  •  All orders processed and secured by PayPal through
  •  You’re 100% protected from unauthorized payments with 24/7 monitoring to prevent fraud.
One Payment of Only...
All my best,
P.S. Nothing to see here. Click the "Buy Now" button above.
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